~ Volunteers are needed for the Fishbourne Centre and also the Fishbourne Playing Field Association. ~

The Fishbourne Playing Field Association (The FPFA)

The FPFA is a charity that owns the Fishbourne Playing Fields and also the Fishbourne Centre, based in Blackboy Lane, Fishbourne.  The FPFA runs the playing fields and its main purpose is to raise money for the upkeep and development of the playing fields, the car park and the children’s playground.  Money is raised through events in the Field and the Centre as well as gaining Government Grants.   The most recent fund-raising has been to develop the children’s play area to enable it to be fully accessible for all children.

The FPFA is run by volunteer Trustees who meet once a quarter, with optional events planning meetings once a month.  The main part of the Trustee role is to help support fund raising events.    Main events include – two music festivals and a fireworks display, plus other events co-ordinated with the Fishbourne Centre.

We welcome applications from anyone who is interested in becoming a Trustee, but also have specific Trustee vacancies:

  • Treasurer – managing the financial side of the charity.
  • Volunteer Recruiter and Co-ordinator – most of our events are run by volunteers, we need a dedicated Trustee to work with the FPFA and the Fishbourne Centre to recruit and deploy volunteers for various events.

The Fishbourne Centre Trading Limited (The FCTL)

The FCTL is the Trading Centre that employs the staff who run the Fishbourne Centre.   At the moment there are three permanent employees, an apprentice and also bar staff.   The Centre is focused on the Fishbourne Community and hires out rooms for group meetings, exercise, parties, dance classes, weddings and also the Fishbourne Companions.

The FCTL is run by volunteer Directors who meet once a month.   The aim of the Centre is to make a profit to maintain and develop the Centre and also then to make donations to the FPFA Charity to support their aims.

We welcome applications from anyone who is interested in becoming a Director, but we also have a specific need for anyone with experience in human resources, social media or marketing.


Both the FPFA and the FCTL are looking for:

General volunteers – to help out with events for a two to three hours per event.   Duties could include – serving drinks or tea and coffee, collecting money for events and issuing tickets, serving food or helping with the set up or taking down of any event.


If you would like any further information, please contact volunteer@fpfa.org.uk